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Ural in Media


  Moto Journal 01/2011
Napoléon aurait aimé les Eléphants en side Ural Waterloo, 18 juin 1815. Après huit heures de combats intenses, la Grande Armée de Napoléon dénombre près de 9 500 morts et 32 000 blessés. La campagne alentour n’est plus que ruine. Pour Napoléon, c’est le début d’un irrémédiable déclin. Comment en est-il arrivé là ? La réponse ne plaira pas aux Historiens pourtant cet incontestable témoignage vidéo prouve que Napoléon n’aurait jamais dû aller à la mythique concentration des Eléphants à bord d’un side-car russe dénommé Ural. Comment ça, c’est n’importe quoi?

les elephants en side car russe ural
Sex and the sidecar 23. Juni 2006 – The Wall Street Journal
The Third Wheel

Russian Sidecar Motorcycle Offers a Really Retro Ride... zur Fortsetzung...

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Sex and the sidecar April 2006 Canadian Biker
Sex and the sidecar
The reproductive imperative is, of course, fundamental to our existence as a species. This has a number of serious implications for the dedicated motorcyclist. First, sex and the pursuit thereof can seriously interfere with valuable riding and wrenching time. zur Fortsetzung...

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März 2005
Tales of a Winter Rider
There was a time when I really hated the winter. It meant one thing, no riding. zur Fortsetzung...

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März 2005
IMZ Ural Patrol - Motorcycle sidecar Combination
For most riders, the term "motorcycle" means a two-wheeler. But while only a small minority of motorcyclists have any experience with them, motorcycles equipped with sidecars are still "motorcycles" as defined by law in just about every state. So, we decided it was time to retest the Russian-built sidecar rig, the Ural Patrol... zur Fortsetzung...

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Ural in Canada
März 2005
Cycle Canada - URAL right
As motorcycles go, the Ural makes one hell of a history lesson. zur Fortsetzung...

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Ural Russian sidecar motorcycles in Minnesota Motorcycle Monthly Oktober 2004
MMM Goes On Patrol
I feel like an extra out of the movie The Great Escape. I'm rolling along through wooded back roads keeping a close eye to the hills expecting Steve McQueen to come tearing through at any moment. zur Fortsetzung...

Minnesota Motorcycle Monthly

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Ural Russian sidecar motorcycles in Minnesota Motorcycle Monthly Oktober 2004
Side Hacked
I've really wanted a sidecar for a very long time. The first time I drove one I was enthralled. It became a bit of an obsession after that. I looked at countless different models and setups. zur Fortsetzung...

Minnesota Motorcycle Monthly

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September 2004
IT WAS A SCENE OUT OF 1941… EXCEPT THE flag was wrong. We were charging down an airstrip aboard what looked like 1939 BMWs. zur Fortsetzung...

© Road Bike

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August 2004
Ural Troyka - A three-wheeled carrige
Its root means "three" and most of us can recall the image of three fog-breathing horses hauling Dr. Zchivago's troika across the snow. zur Fortsetzung...

Road RUNNER Magazine

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7 Juli 2004
Russians parade through Galena
GALENA—A pack of bikers paraded through Main Street in Galena on a Saturday afternoon, and they each came with something extra for the ride- sidecars. zur Fortsetzung...

The Galena Gazette

24. Juni 2004
Local shop revs up Russian motorcycles
When Alan Bond makes trips to Kroger he gets stared at and asked a lot of questions. That's not because of the way he looks (over 6 feet tall with a body resembling a tree trunk) zur Fortsetzung...

South Lyon Herald
David Knopp of Ava rides a Russian Utal Patrol offroad model with sidecar

9. März 2004
Russian bike makes local inroads
Eyebrows rise as Dave Knopp rolls along on his Ural Patrol between his home in Ava and his job at Orion Bus in Oriskany. zur Fortsetzung...

The Observer-Dispatch
Gear-Up, street legal ATV with sidecar

Februar 2004
Moto-Euro On Assignment
It’s still dark and a persistent drizzle oozes from the heavy sky. I pull the Moskvich to a halt at the border checkpoint and roll down the window. zur Fortsetzung...


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Patrol, offroad bike in snow Februar 2004
Ride On
Not all Northeasterners packed it in for the winter. At least, not Don "Hard Core" Hibbard, who's riding through 12" of snow. zur Fortsetzung...

Road Bike

Ural wolf, around the world on a Ural 29. Oktober 2003
Trek shows off Russian motorcycle
REDMOND -- The sun was shining on Sergey Sinelnik when he set out on 2,300 miles from Chugiak, Ala., to Redmond. zur Fortsetzung...

King County Journal

Russian sidecar motorcycles

22. Oktober 2003
Russian motorcycle tries to crack U.S. market
When Americans are asked to name motorcycles, they tend to think of Japanese Hondas, Suzukis and Kawasakis, German BMWs, maybe English Triumphs, Italian Ducatis and certainly our own Harley-Davidsons.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer
classic sidecar motorcycle 4. September 2003
With three wheels on their wagons, thousands of American motorcyclists are rolling along. They're sidecar fans, who can trace their hobby to the turn of the 20th Century.

Chicago Tribune